7 Causes of Toothache and Symptoms You Need to Watch Out for


Toothache can come on suddenly and interfere with your activities. Almost everyone must have experienced it. Toothache is the sensation of pain or tenderness that is felt around the teeth. The cause of toothache or pain that you feel can come from several dental diseases itself.

Pain and tenderness in your teeth can occur if you don’t take good care of your teeth and mouth. Although usually not causing serious problems, toothaches still need to be treated immediately. Vial Dermatology CRO can help you find a trusted clinic so you don’t have to endure a toothache for a long time.

Why do your teeth hurt?

Pulp nerves that are irritated or infected by bacteria can be the cause of a painful toothache. Because the pulp nerves are the most sensitive nerves in this area of ​​the human body.

Toothache can also be caused by problems originating in other areas of the body. Toothache is usually not life threatening, but it can become a problem if not treated properly.

Common symptoms when a toothache

The pain in the tooth can last more than 15 seconds when there is a stimulus. If the symptoms of inflammation persist, the toothache can get worse. The pain can spread to the cheek, ear, or even jaw area.

Here are some symptoms of toothache that you need to be aware of, such as:

  • The pain is sharp and constant
  • Pain when chewing food
  • Teeth become more sensitive to cold or heat
  • There is bleeding around the teeth and gums
  • There is swelling in the gum area to the outside
  • Bad breath when there is an infection (halitosis)
  • Fever with headache

The causes of toothache and the accompanying symptoms

Signs or symptoms of aches and pains in teeth can be related to the cause of the toothache, for example tooth decay, gum disease, broken teeth, to redness in the area around the gums.

For more details, see the explanation of each symptom of the causes of toothache below.

1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay occurs due to erosion and formation of cavities on the outer surface (tooth enamel). When plaque builds up, it will produce acid which causes cavities in the teeth so that the tooth enamel is damaged.

If not treated, it will hurt, infection will occur, and even tooth loss. Toothache signs that you can feel are:

  • Teeth are more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures
  • Teeth feel painful to the touch
  • Decay spreads to the inside and middle of the tooth

2. Tooth sensitivity

Not everyone has sensitive teeth. This condition occurs when you feel pain as well as aching due to the dentin layer being exposed to cold or hot temperatures. Dentin is a channel filled with nerve fibers.

Some of the causes of pain due to sensitive teeth are:

  • Sweet foods and drinks
  • Food or drink that feels hot as well as cold.
  • Foods or drinks that are high in acid.
  • Brushing hard with the wrong technique.
  • Using mouthwash with alcohol content.

3. Problems with the gums

Areas that are close to the teeth such as the gums can also be problematic and cause pain in the teeth. Some problems with the gums are known as inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and gum infection (periodontitis).

Some of the symptoms of toothache caused by inflammation of the gums (gingivitis):

  • Gums are red, swollen and tender
  • The gums also shrink
  • Gums bleed easily when brushing teeth
  • The color of the gums turns blackish red
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away

Some of the symptoms of toothache caused by gum infection (periodontitis):

  • Gums bleed more easily when brushing teeth or chewing textured food
  • The swollen gums are bright red to purplish
  • You feel pain when you hit your tongue or fingers
  • There are visible gaps between the teeth
  • In between the teeth and gums discharge pus.

4. Tooth abscess

Tooth abscess occurs when there are pus-filled pockets in the area of ​​the teeth and gums. This condition is caused by infection due to the entry of bacteria through untreated holes.

The main symptom you can feel is a throbbing and painful pain. In addition, pain can appear suddenly and become more intense over several hours.

It is possible that the pain gets worse at night. Other symptoms caused by tooth abscess:

  • Teeth become sensitive due to hot or cold food
  • The gums are swollen, reddish and feel softer
  • Mouth smells bad
  • The area of ​​the face, cheeks, or neck becomes swollen

If the infection has spread to other areas of the body, you can feel symptoms such as feeling unwell, fever, and difficulty swallowing.

5. Impacted wisdom teeth

New wisdom teeth are not a problem. However, if it grows on an oblique or impacted position it will be a problem. Molar teeth that grow sideways can damage the adjacent teeth, damage nerves, and damage the jawbone.

Signs and symptoms of toothache due to impacted wisdom teeth:

  • Pain in the gums as well as the back of the jaw
  • The gums on the back are red, swollen, or may fester
  • Swelling resulting in asymmetry of the face
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Pain or tenderness in front of the ear and radiating to the head

6. Cracked teeth

Some disorders of the teeth can also occur due to injury or trauma such as cracked teeth. Not only from falling, biting into something hard can cause your teeth to crack or break. Especially if you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night.

  • Signs of toothache due to cracked teeth:
  • Pain when chewing and biting something
  • Teeth become sensitive to sweet, hot, and cold
  • Pain that comes and goes but continues
  • The gums are swollen and affect the mouth area

7. Teeth whitening procedure

New to tooth bleaching? It could be that this procedure is the cause of a sudden toothache. Usually, the teeth will become more sensitive about 2-3 days after the treatment procedure. Sometimes the gums also get irritated.

Products such as whitening strips and bleaching gels can also be sensitive to the layers of your teeth.

How to relieve toothache

You can also temporarily relieve the pain in your teeth in the following ways:

1. Gargle with salt water

Mix salt with a glass of warm water to relieve inflammation.

2.Rinse with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution)

Hydrogen peroxide can help with inflammation and pain. Dilute hydrogen peroxide and mix with water, then rinse your mouth area. Remember, don’t swallow it.

3. Use a cold compress

Reduce swelling and pain with cold ice wrapped in a towel and apply it to the area for 20 minutes.

4. Pain medication

NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can be used to relieve pain. But pay close attention to the procedure for use.

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