8 Tips for Choosing Sensitive Baby Skin Care Products


Baby’s skin is very soft and thin, so this can make the baby’s skin prone to irritation, dryness, inflammation, rashes, and red skin. However, you don’t need to worry because there are many ways you can do to protect your baby’s skin from various skin problems.

Why is baby’s skin sensitive?

Baby skin, especially newborn skin, is prone to skin problems because babies have sensitive skin. The cause of sensitive baby skin can occur by many factors, namely:

  • food
  • diaper use
  • use of soaps, shampoos, lotions and detergents
  • less clean water
  • dust and less clean air
  • bacteria on clothes

If your baby’s skin is affected by skin diseases, irritation, or red skin due to sensitive skin problems, then it is necessary to take precautions so that more serious problems do not arise on your baby’s skin.

How to care for sensitive baby skin

To prevent the occurrence of red baby skin and problems on sensitive baby skin that are prone to irritation. Here are ways you can take care of sensitive baby skin.

1. Wash baby clothes

You should always wash new baby clothes before use. This method can help eliminate any potential store or factory irritation that could irritate your baby’s skin.

However, when washing baby clothes, you should use a liquid detergent with a formula that is mild, hypoallergenic, and free of dyes.

2. Do not bathe the baby too often

Babies don’t need to bathe too often as this can break down the skin barrier, dry the baby’s skin, and remove oils and other substances that protect the baby’s skin from infection and irritation.

3. Select special baby care products

Use baby products such as baby soap for sensitive skin and shampoo specially formulated for babies to babies around one year old.

Generally, baby products are “non-toxic”, contain no or small amounts of dyes, deodorants, alcohol, and other ingredients that can be harmful to your baby’s skin.

Make sure the product has a license from the dermatology clinical trial site and avoid using adult products on babies because adult products can damage baby’s skin which is thin, smooth, and easily irritated. When you are confused about finding baby products, you should look at the label and choose the product with the least chemical content.

4. Check the product content

Before buying, check and read the contents contained in the product packaging to avoid ingredients that can cause irritation and skin problems. Some of the ingredients that need to be avoided are:

Fragrance and dye free

Products that contain fragrances and dyes can potentially irritate baby’s skin, especially sensitive baby skin.

Contains no antibacterial and antimicrobial properties

Although they can kill germs, products that contain antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are not good for the health of the baby’s skin. Therefore, choose products with soft ingredients without containing alcohol.

Free of parabens and phthalates

Parabens are preservatives. Meanwhile, phthalates are commonly used as a softener in skin care products. However, both of these ingredients can risk causing the baby’s skin to experience allergies and disturbances in growth and development.

Hypoallergenic label

The description “hypoallergenic” on baby care products indicates that the product has a lower risk of causing an allergic reaction to the baby.

Alcohol free

On baby skin care product packaging, the alcohol content is usually written as ethyl alcohol or ethanol. This type of alcohol can irritate sensitive baby skin. However, there are also products that contain alcohol, but do not cause irritation or dryness of the baby’s skin, this type of alcohol is written as cetearyl alcohol and fatty alcohol.

According to the pH of the baby’s skin

Baby’s skin has an acid-base (pH) level of about 5.5. For that, choose baby skin care products that have a pH that is closer to 5.5. Even so, choosing products with a neutral pH is also not a problem as long as the baby’s skin is not dry and healthy.

Natural base ingredients

Baby body care products are generally made from natural ingredients, so they are safe for use on babies. However, there are also some natural ingredients that have a risk of causing irritation and allergies. Especially if your child has allergies or a family history of allergies.

5. Check the condition of the packaging on the product

Before using care products on your little one, check the expiration date and how long the product lasts after opening the packaging. Also, make sure that the product packaging is still sealed and that the product packaging is not damaged.

6. Use a special baby moisturizing lotion

Baby’s skin tends to be dry, if you want to keep it moisturised, when your baby is done bathing, apply a moisturizer immediately.

Moisturizers do not add moisture to the skin, but prevent the moisture already on the skin from evaporating. Apply moisturizer as often as needed. It’s okay to put a thick layer on the baby.

7. Use sunscreen

Sunscreen is not recommended for babies under six months. But most experts believe that in rare situations where sun exposure is necessary for babies, using sunscreen is safer than not using sunscreen.

Therefore, infants under 6 months should wear hats, long sleeves and trousers when traveling. However, after the baby reaches six months, look for sunscreen with inorganic filters such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, because these ingredients will not irritate the baby’s skin and eyes.

Apply a small amount of sunscreen containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide with a minimum of SPF 15 to the baby’s face and the back of his hand.

8. See the instructions for use on the label

In order to avoid using the wrong and excessive product, before use. Read and follow the instructions for use and warnings on the product packaging. Before using a new product on your little one’s skin, you can do a previous skin test by rubbing a little of the product on your baby’s feet. Wait up to a day to see if the product is causing a rash or not.

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