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The increase in active cases of Covid-19, which is exacerbated by the current season shift, is a reminder for us to continue to maintain health both physically and mentally. Erratic weather changes also cause a person’s body to constantly adapt, so it is not surprising that when a person has an immune system that is not strong enough, he will be susceptible to disease.
A healthy lifestyle is a description of activities based on our desires and interests and how our minds live in interacting with our environment. The healthy lifestyle that we apply can be positively transmitted to other people, especially to the family so that they too can feel the many benefits.
Seeing such urgency, the solution that must be taken is to start a healthy lifestyle every day. A healthy lifestyle can be started by changing the small things in our lives that are less healthy so that later it is expected to be able to implement a total healthy lifestyle and the condition of the body will be healthier and fitter.
The following are some small things that we can start to improve to be able to implement a healthy lifestyle.
- Meet the daily nutritional needs of the body by consuming foods with enough fiber.
- Improve sleep patterns to 7-9 hours per night.
- Start thinking positively, so that mental health will be better.
- Routine in doing sports, starting with light exercise.
Those are some simple things that we can start doing to improve our lifestyle, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic and transitions like today. Let’s continue to apply health protocols, both indoors and outdoors. The public is also advised to be vaccinated immediately if not, so that herd immunity can be formed immediately so that deaths and hospitalizations due to Covid-19 can be minimized.
Regularly Consuming Vitamins to Maintain Body Endurance
During the increasing number of Covid-19 cases that are happening again at this time, implementing health protocols such as using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, limiting mobility, avoiding crowds, and participating in vaccination programs is one of the prevention efforts that must be done to minimize exposure, illness, to death due to Covid-19. NZ Online Chemist provides a wide range of medical devices that can be accessed online.
Not only that, health protection by implementing a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle, such as consuming foods high in vitamins, is also good support for the immune system so that the body remains in a fit and healthy condition.
The following are some types of vitamins and their benefits, which you must know to increase endurance during pandemic conditions, including:
1. Vitamin A
• Can be found in carrots, broccoli, spinach, fish oil & egg yolks
• Helps regulate the immune system
• Protects against infection
2. Vitamin E
- Can be found in almonds, leafy greens, nuts & vegetable oils
- Provides antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals
- Boost immunity
3. Vitamin C
- Can be found in papaya, oranges, tomatoes, kiwi & guava
- Can help the process of antibody formation
- Boost immunity
4. Zinc C
- Can be found in seafood, beef, chicken liver, eggs & cheese
- Able to optimize the work of the immune system
By consuming 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day, coupled with a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity per day, it is hoped that you can maintain a healthy body, especially during pandemic conditions like today.
Continue to apply Clean and Healthy Living Behavior and always discipline health protocols to avoid the transmission of Covid-19.