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Diabetes Type Two Medication

Diabetes is a disease that is very dangerous and even though it might seem ice a big deal first, over time it will develop to so many health issues form neuropathy to blindness and could even lead to death on worse cases. Diabetes could also lead to stroke as well as heart disease. You will need to note that there are millions of people who get diagnosed with diabetes each and every year and there are many others who still go undiagnosed.

It will be important for you to know that there are so many different options that are treated to diabetes through identifying the best medication to use in each one of the two types of diabetes will not be an easy task. There are many cases where the treatment of diabetes comes with side effects that are quite unpleasant and thus you will need to talk to your doctor about the best option that you have. You will need to know all the available options for you so as to get diabetes under control with the help of your doctor. When using medication as the treatment for diabetes, then you will need to know that it should be in conjunction with exercise as well as diet.

Metformin happens to be the very first line of defense that is used by individuals who have been diagnosed by type two diabetes. Metformin is a medication that has been around and used for decades and it is a biguanide which helps in limiting glucose from the liver and also makes muscles more sensitive to insulin so that it can help with absorption. Doctors will in many cases use Metformin first since it has a good track record and it is also cheap to patients. However, Metformin now does not come with no side effects as it results in stomach upset as well as diarrhea. However, patients are advised to eat the drug with food as this helps a lot in easing these symptoms though people could also experience different levels of discomfort from mild to severe.

People with diabetes and who get medical prescription have high hope that the medication will take care of their blood sugar levels. It will be a good idea that you try Jardiance which is another medication for diabetes in case Metformin is not functioning right in your case or its have so much side effect that you can’t handle. You will need to know that Jardiance is not similar to many other options that are in the market and taken through the mouth and not injection.

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